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The Storytelling Animal Chapter 9

In this generation, stories are still heavily consumed, but the methods of consumption have changed since prior generations. For example, Gottschall mentioned the rise in popularity of video games. He recognises the fact that many video games have compelling narratives. I do not play many video games, but I have watched my brother play games like Assassin’s Creed and Red Dead Redemption because I was intrigued by the story. Watching these games was like watching a movie, but my brother was the main character. Some video games are the next step in storytelling because the player can become a part of the story and even control how the story will end.

Another new storytelling method would be found in blogging websites. People will share anecdotes from their life on tumblr or draw little comics to share with their followers. From fanfiction to status updates of facebook to fragmented stories told on twitter, the internet is teeming with stories. These stories are not published, but they fulfill the human need for story.

Gottschall addresses the argument that the novel is a dying breed. He refutes this claim by citing the many popular novels that people read in this generation. While books like Twilight and The Hunger Games may not be considered high art, they are still novels that contain stories. Teenagers all around the world are reading trilogies and book series’. The novel is far from dead. Even if one does not like the young adult genre, they must admit that it is powerful. From Divergent to The Maze Runner to Paper Towns, young adult books are being adapted into movies. These stories are so beloved that there is a demand to experience these stories in a multitude of mediums. Some books, like The Lord of the Rings, even have video game adaptations. Long-form storytelling is far from obsolete.

Storytelling is important. Reading a book can bring comfort and companionship to someone who feels like they are alone in the world. Blog posts with cute comics about depression can help people struggling to cope together even though they are in completely different places. Playing a videogame can give someone the opportunity to feel like a hero. Storytelling comes in many different formats. These formats can evolve. Gottschall notes how poetry has evolved to include music. Of course, poetry can exist without music, but in this day musical poetry is more highly consumed. People need stories. The methods of storytelling may change, but it will never become obsolete.

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